It’s been one month since Stone Girl was released. I’ve had a launch, been told it’s a ‘great read’, or ‘it’s too sad’ or ‘it’s inappropriate’ or it’s ‘important’ … there are as many types of readers as there are people and that’s okay because at least I wrote the book I wanted to write. One that tells a story I felt I had to tell and I didn’t budget on the truth. Not even a little. This is a tough stance – complete honestly – but I’m proud that I’ve done it.

The month of May in 2018 will be one I will remember for a long time.

So what’s next?

There are a number of events on my calendar which I’m so excited to take part in. Radio interviews, school visits, library talks and even an exciting Love Oz YA announcement.

Last week there was a campaign launched by Anglicare to help kids in care with support extended up until 21 years old. At the moment kids are kicks out of care between 16-18years-old. I remember leaving the homes with nothing and I made bad decisions because of it. Luckily I’m a determined person who fought hard to get myself out of the bind I was in. I think many troubled kids are resilient seasoned survivors and the rates of homelessness and mental health they experience could be avoided. I may have more to say about this in the near future.

Stay wellx