Hi, it’s been a busy time as I work on my next book, care for kids, deal with a few health issues and just try and be a social human being. I haven’t shared the next manuscript with anyone but my trusty writing group but I’m excited to send it to my agent. And then hopefully it will reach reader’s hands. I love it. The story leaves me breathless and I can’t wait to sit and write each day. So I hope others feel the same way about it.
In other amazing news. Stone Girl was:
Voted the Best Young Adult Book of 2018 by Readings’ customers.
Voted in the Top Ten Best Young Adult Books of the Year in 2018 by Readings.Voted top 100 great reads by Australian women in 2018
Shortlisted for the 2018 Book of the Year by the Younger Sun. (I love their review!)
Connie’s YA Book of the Month Review at Kids Book Reviews. (An amazing review!)
I guess this means people connected with it and that means so much.xx