It’s been a while since I posted but I have a good – if not original – excuse.
I won’t use that cliche about a ‘whirlwind’, however I have been busy advocating, meeting inspirational people and writing as often as I can. Writers need quiet time in order to wrestle those words into place but as a mum to young (adorable) kids, a need to work to pay the bills and a raft of incredible opportunities offered to me I have been running to catch up on all fronts.
Some of the good moments:
I began advocating for young people in foster care, as part of the Homestretch “Make it 21” campaign. This includes media appearances on the Today Show and Jon Faine 774 ABC. The campaign seeks to stop 18-year-olds from being booted out of the system on their birthday resulting in 40 – 60 percent homelessness, addiction and debilitating mental health issues. These young people lack financial and social support. I’ve been blessed to have a voice when many of them do not. I hope they soon will. It’s not good enough that so little has changed since I was a ward of the state.
My activities within the Australian creative sector have increased over the past two years. I’ve gone from a journalist with my feet firmly rooted in non-fiction to a teacher of creative writing. I taught writing at Deakin university, currently run workshops and take part in festivals such as the Melbourne Writer Festival.
Recently, I’ve been invited to a residency at KSP Writer’s Center – January 2020. So exciting.
This final point gives me hope that I can refocus and complete my next manuscript. I have 105k words and this story is begging me to write it. I adore my protagonist and, to be honest, the antagonist is a joy to travel along with also.
I can’t wait to share it with you all.
Stay well x